Asian Flush: What's Really Going On When You Get Red - doseandremedy

Asian Flush: What's Really Going On When You Get Red

Asian flush.

If you’re like me, and lack the enzyme ALDH2 thanks to a genetic mutation, you’ve been there. Flushed after a sip of your drink.

Hello, my name is Dr. Tri Tran. I am Asian American, and I work my day job as a pharmacist. I also have a condition typically referred to as alcohol flush. All it takes is one happy hour cocktail or beer. I get insanely red. My temperature starts to rise. I start to get tired. All from one drink.

In social settings, this was devastating. One drink and people would stare at me for all the wrong reasons. Happy hour sounded less and less like something happy, and more and more likely something I was dreading. Why couldn’t I just get through a few sips without burning red?

I knew this had to change. At work, I was used to giving people recommendations on how to cure their own conditions. I realized that I, too, had a condition. So it was time to tackle it.

I had a lot of questions. Why was I getting red?  Was I allergic to alcohol? Was I just weak?  Not able to handle my alcohol?

I set out to do some research and uncover what was really causing this issue. The first thing that I found out: I was not alone. About one third of Asians suffer from what is called alcohol flush - or Asian glow. Genetically, Asians are more predisposed to be born without the enzyme needed to process alcohol. But the condition isn’t just limited to Asian people - anyone can get it.

As a pharmacist, I’m used to asking myself: what’s going on at a deeper level? What’s going on inside the body?

So. We drink alcohol (ETOH). It's broken down into your body and turned into a byproduct, acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde is the bad guy here - it’s  the culprit behind all of your bad experiences with alcohol.  Acetaldehyde has been shown in studies to be a factor in hangovers, headaches, nausea, lethargy, and of course, alcohol flush. And acetaldehyde is broken down by an enzyme called ALDH2.

Acetaldehyde in itself is extremely toxic. Once your body makes it, ALDH2 steps in to help.  It metabolizes the toxic acetaldehyde, and turns it into a nontoxic product - acetate.

But what if that enzyme, ALDH2, wasn’t there to do its work?

This is where genetics play a huge role.  Many of use are genetically predisposed to NOT have the gene that makes the enzyme ALDH2.  No enzyme.  No metabolism of acetaldehyde. And thus, you get a toixic buildup of acetaldehyde in your body.

The more you drink, the more your body can't keep up with the metabolism of the acetaldehyde. That’s why hangovers occur with excessive drinking.

So, I do not have the enzyme to process alcohol correctly. No ALDH2 for me. That means I get a buildup of acetaldehyde until it turns into toxic levels, and my body tries to get rid of it toxin in another way.

Cue: Asian glow!

Asian glow is actually your body's new way of trying to rid your insides of the acetaldehyde.  When acetaldehyde builds up, your blood vessels dilate to allow the acetaldehyde to be sent out of your body quicker.  However, this dilation causes your skin to turn red or flushed.

The release of histamines causes your blood vessels to dilate. Yes - these are the same histamines that are released when you come into contact with poison ivy, change to a cheap detergent, or are allergic to something. And what happens with all those things? You can turn red.

Here’s the bottom line. Acetaldehyde is what’s causing the flush. To remedy your redness, you have to get rid of the acetaldehyde in your body. But people without ALDH2 can’t do that.

That’s where a dose of recovery comes in.

After all my research, I found the solution. It’s called a dose of recovery, and I bottled it up.

It’s an all-natural blend of nutraceuticals that uses a synergistic formulation to cure your redness. The ingredients all work together to help your body metabolize acetaldehyde. That means: decreasing the alcoholic flush, hangovers, and other negative effects of alcohol.

With a dose of recovery, I can actually go out and have a drink without suffering from the alcoholic flush I used to. So, I’m inviting you to...


Please feel free to contact me anytime at if you have any questions about our product!


 Dr. Tri Tran Pharm.D

 Co-founder Dose+Remedy


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